News — Parlour
Magnifying Ghost Glass - A Reworked Classic.
Posted by Alan Terrell on

New in to us here at Red Dragon Magic is the Magnifying Ghost Glass - I've been excited about this one coming into the store ever since the test product landed on my desk. I have performed a version of the Ghost Glass (also known as Kersten's Krystal) since I was 8 years old and it always got a strong reaction from the crowd. At the time the prop was nothing more than a piece of circular glass which displayed a mini version of the card when breathed upon it. Back then, my patter explained that it was a piece from a...
- Tags: Close up, New Product, Parlour
Yellow Magicians Rope Now Back In Stock!
Posted by Alan Terrell on

When we first started Red Dragon Magic we made you a promise: If it's not good enough to go in our acts; we don't sell it. It's something we continue to stand by. For this reason our yellow rope has been out of stock for months. This was due to the last batch from suppliers failing our quality control. In short - it wasn't yellow enough! It was a dull, dirty yellow and we simply would not take it out on stage. Having kept an eye on the situation for months we are please to announce that we have secured a...
- Tags: Back in Stock, Parlour, Rope, Stage
New Product! - RDM's Vanishing Case and Cards
Posted by Alan Terrell on

We know we've been a bit quiet around here lately, but that's always a good sign as it usually means we're working on something exciting! - We're pleased to announce a new product to the RDM range - Vanishing Case and Cards!This is a great trick to start any card based routine. Seriously, its good for walkabout or even a full close up routine. You begin by showing the audience a card case and, after opening it up, tip out the pack. You state that you are not going to perform a trick with the cards, but instead with the...
- Tags: Bicycle Cards, Close up, Exclusive, New Product, Parlour
New Product: Masal Clear Silk Production Tube
Posted by alan paget on

The Masal Clear Silk Production Tube is deceptively simple in its design and secret! You show a tube and unroll it. The tube is made of a transparent plastic sheet and the spectators can clearly see through it. You now roll the sheet back into a tube. Make a magical gesture, and from inside you produce numerous silks, or a silk streamer etc. This would be a great addition to your children’s show with lots of fun to be had and with a very easy, slight modification this tube can also be used for a colour change silk routine. Check out the product...
- Tags: New Product, Online Magic shop, Parlour, Stage