News — Exclusive
Exclusive RDM trick gets an upgrade!
Posted by Alan Terrell on

NEW & IMPROVED: We're always looking to bring you the best tricks under the RDM banner. That's why every now and then, we look through our range to see if any can be upgraded. So, our Vanishing Case & Cards trick has been improved! It now features a stronger, more durable prop to perform the trick and we still provide a full deck of bicycle cards to ensure you can perform the trick straight away! As we assemble the gimmicks in-house there's currently a short supply so get yours while you can!
- Tags: Bicycle Cards, Exclusive, New Product
New Product! - RDM's Vanishing Case and Cards
Posted by Alan Terrell on

We know we've been a bit quiet around here lately, but that's always a good sign as it usually means we're working on something exciting! - We're pleased to announce a new product to the RDM range - Vanishing Case and Cards!This is a great trick to start any card based routine. Seriously, its good for walkabout or even a full close up routine. You begin by showing the audience a card case and, after opening it up, tip out the pack. You state that you are not going to perform a trick with the cards, but instead with the...
- Tags: Bicycle Cards, Close up, Exclusive, New Product, Parlour
It's here! - The Tilley Deck has Launched!
Posted by Alan Terrell on

INTRODUCING THE TILLEY DECK! Created by one of our team of in house professional magicians and collaborators, we decided that this deck was so good, we just had to name it after him. The Tilley Deck has some impressive features over its rivals. The whole deck can be spread in front of an unsuspecting audience! Any number from 1 - 52 can be selected. We also supply a prediction card with the forcing deck making this deck a working trick in itself! And if that is not enough.... The team here at Red Dragon Magic have created the ultimate quick...
- Tags: Exclusive, Forcing Deck, New Product, Tilley Deck
The TILLEY DECK - The new name in forcing decks.
Posted by Alan Terrell on

You may have read recently on magic forums, and social media that certain forcing decks are becoming known by the wider public. It's not surprising given that some of these decks are now 60 / 70 years old. That's why we're pleased to announce that here at Red Dragon Magic we have created a brand type of forcing deck: THE TILLEY DECK! Created by one of our team of in house professional magicians and collaborators, we decided that this deck was so good, we just had to name it after him. The Tilley Deck has some impressive features over its rivals. The whole...
- Tags: Exclusive, Forcing Deck, New Product, Tilley Deck