Tilley (Forcing) Deck - RDM EXCLUSIVE!
Vanishing Court Card / Find the Lady / Three (3) Card Monte Magic Trick - ULTIMATE CLEAN FINISH
Mind Kicker
Six Card Repeat - Multiplying Card Magic Trick
Miracle Coin Card
Torn & Restored Card (Card in Orange / Lemon)
Jokers Wild - Duplicating Effect Magic Trick
Find the Queen / Find the Lady / Bicycle Cards with CLEAN FINISH (4 Card Version)
Colourama Cards - 3 Magic Reveals in 1 - EXCLUSIVE to RDM!
Al Baker Forcing Deck
Club Card Accepted
Crystal Deck
Will The Cards Match
Special ESP Rider Backed Bicycle Playing Cards + 15 Routines
Vanishing Case & Cards - EXCLUSIVE to RDM!
Homicide - Prediction Card Trick EXCLUSIVE TO RDM!
Lucky Die - Chance / Prediction Magic Trick
Face Away Deck Bicycle Card Magic Trick
The Houdini Deck
Bicycle Playing Cards Special Assortment / Mixed Gaffs