Force It!

Posted by Alan Terrell on

Well, we are now officially half way through the year! Where does the time go? 

As we've just added a new supply of One Way Forcing Forcing Decks to our inventory, we thought this would be a good time to take a look at our stats. As mentioned in our previous posts, we keep a total of all of the one way forcing decks that leave our store in the hope of building a picture of magician's habits.

Not surprisingly magicians, like the general public, are also prone to favouring certain suits and values of cards when it comes to selecting the card that is to be forced.

So here are some stats highlighting the most popular suits / values used and some of the least. Who knows maybe it may sway you to start switching suits!   

Top 5 Most Popular Cards (Excluding Jokers)
1 > Queen of Hearts
1 > Queen of Diamonds
3 > Ace of Hearts
3 > Ace of Spades
5 > 8 of Hearts 

Top 5 Least Popular Cards (Excluding Jokers)
1 > 8 of Clubs
2 > 7 of Clubs
3 > 2 of Clubs
4 > 10 of Diamonds
4 >  7 of Spades

Suits in Order of Popularity

So there you have it. Hearts are the most popular choice of forcing deck with Hearts taking three of the five most popular card positions. In fact we sell twice as many Hearts as we do Clubs!

So the next time you need a one way forcing deck, try mixing it up a little and head towards the higher value black cards. For a start they're more likely to be in stock! 


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